New Dota 2 Hero?

This is a bit late news for me. But this is worth the sharing to everyone.

There is a speculation of a new Dota 2 Hero. It was actually hinted on the last update on January 3. The updates have listed these items:
Particle Updates

  • Added particles for “Spear Wall” of a hero internally referred to as “Mars.”
  • Added ability icon for Mars’ Phalanx Cancel
  • Added ability icon for Mars’ Spear

None of these are known to anyone, thus the speculation of a new hero will be added, arises. There's also a picture that shows the spell icons of the alleged new hero "Mars".
(Source: Reddit)

Just Another Plug

Yes as the title suggests, this is another shameless plug of my other blog. That is my HubPages account.

I will put here some of my articles there. Hope you'll visit my HubPages profile. So here are my articles from my HubPages account.

Baking 101: Peanut Butter Cups

I was so bored today that I can't even get out of my bed. I don't know what I should do. I just browse the web, look for something to watch or maybe something to read. Then I came upon this video on YouTube. The video is a DIY or a do-it-yourself / homemade Reese's peanut butter cups. It was easy to do and I remember I still have some chocolate block leftover during the holidays. So I decided I should give this a try.

So here are the things needed to create your homemade peanut butter cups.


A shameless plug!

This is not actually a "so-called blog". I just want to plug my YouTube videos here in my blog. So here are some of my videos I uploaded in my YouTube account!

1. Top 10 Sexiest Anime Girl Transformation in an Anime

I get the idea of this video on some other videos I watched. I just want to make a list of my own regarding this topic.

2. Pokemon Generation 8?! CONFIRMED?!

Welcome 2018!

Finally it's a new year!

Everyone is saying new year equates to new you. I second the motion! (lol) Actually today is the start of my "new me". As today is the start of my blogger life AGAIN! (yay!) That is just the first of few things I am starting this year. Actually I already have an experience blogging at HubPages. I don't actually consider it as a blog but I write articles there.